Thursday, 19 January 2012

Thilo Sarrazin~Germany's New Rock Star?

Theo Sarrazin and His Controversial Book
The book, titled Deutschland Schafft Sich Ab (Germany Does Away With Itself or Germany Abolishes Itself), was released in 2010 and has raised hackles around the world. It is now  said to be Germany's third highest (non-fiction) best seller since WWII~only beaten by Dudens Dictionary and the Bible.

In this very controversial book, Thilo Sarrazin advocates a restrictive immigration policy (although he makes an exception for the highly skilled) and the reduction of state welfare benefits. Many Germans are in agreement with him as they see their cities filling with immigrants (who do not want to integrate into German society) and find themselves being treated as foreigners. As they become marginalized  some fear that soon their culture will be extinct.

The film below begins in Neukolln. Statistics from 2010 indicate that 40% of the population were immigrants, What they do not say is that  80-90%  of the youth in Neukolln are from immigrant families and one of every Neukollm immigrants is on welfare! The majority have no desire to integrate or observe German laws and violent crime is on the rise. This is an unsustainable situation in any country!
Heinz Buschkowsky

On the other hand, there is  Heinz Buschkowsky, the mayor of Berlin-Neukolln, who strongly believes in integration. He points out that whenever you have many cultures living together there are clashes. In his opinion the situation is not a dire as some say and he works hard to promote his view. He believes with the right efforts towards integration the problems will not exist. Indeed, as the film below goes on to show he has dome much to this end. His fear is that a radical right leaning government will take over. What I find almost comical is that he thinks the right has already taken over in Finland, Hungary and Europe in general...hmmmmm.

You need to be aware that there is a grave danger with some of the ideas of Thilo Sarrazin. Many of those who are supporting his views are Neo-Nazis, something that most people are (and should be) very strongly against. Some may recall that Sarazzin was accused of being racist for saying "all Jews share the same gene", while later offering the explanation that the question to which he was responding had been about ‘genetic identity’. I do not know what he really meant by that, although it made me think of the research that claims the tribe of Cohens do indeed carry a similar gene. All that aside, I have read that he believes the idea that genetics dictate intelligence and behaviour.

There is one major area where I strongly disagree with Thilo Sarazzin. While it is true that the grades of Arab and Turkish children may well be lower both in their countries if origin and their adopted countries, I do not believe that it is because of genetics. I am convinced (and there are many studies that claim) that it is a "culture" issue.

In Israel there are indeed Arabs in the lower levels, but there are also those with an extremely high IQ, in the top levels of our society. This is true with all of our citizens, just as it is in every society. The argument brought forth is that when one looks at the huge, growing Muslim population around the world as well as in their own countries, it is clear that there is a disparity. That may be so, but it is the culture, not the genetics ruling in most cases. I think Sarazzin has it  all wrong on genetics, and he may well be rabid racist, but those are topics for another post.

The ordinary German citizens, the beautiful, progressive Germany that I knew when I lived there many years ago, no longer exists.  There were immigrants then as well, but in smaller numbers, and  it seemed they came when work was available and when times were tough they went back to their home countries. Now, I see a country divided, with its citizens in many cases living in fear~fear of saying the wrong thing, fear of being politically incorrect, or Gd forbid, fear of straying into the wrong area.

I will never support the extremest Neo-Nazi types, however, in all honesty, Sarrazin has got it right with much of what he says regarding mass immigration policy. All western countries should be looking closely at their laws and policies in this area.

Geert Wilders            Oskar Freysinger
The problem is, that the only people who seem to want to stand up to the radical Islamization of our world are those on the far right. The left have given up and bowed down to threats and terror while painting those who oppose it as being the "evil ones".  In the clip below they cover a meeting where Oskar Freysinger and Geert Wilders are speaking,  and  refer to it as "poisonous".

The documentary below tries to convince us that they are showing both sides, but they are clearly lining up with the politically correct, warm and fuzzy, left ideology. Showing a single successful immigrant woman and a single student trying to change his life is a beautiful thing. But the woman, grew up in an area where less than 1% of the population is immigrant. It has been proven that when an immigrant population is tiny, their absorption is much more successful and she is the prime example for that!

As for the boy in Essen, I wonder how all the German students who were afraid to attend school feel on the matter? Instead, they concentrate on one young man who cannot get his driver's license because of immigration laws, and they enforce the idea that it is the German immigration laws that are at fault.

Crime may indeed be subsiding, and that is a good thing, but how many families have moved away, and is the area majority or minority immigrants? It is of note that videos on the internet showing the problem with immigrant students in Essen beating both the teachers and students have all been removed...Why?

I do believe it is possible to integrate people into every society, but facts show that where the  immigrant population becomes too large, and is given too many concessions they will take over and soon the native citizens are pushed out~but anyone who says that is politically incorrect. I would like to see what would happen if a Christian, Jew or Hindu tried to walk and shop in these immigrant dominated areas. As a Jew I know what would happen, yet I am willing to bet that Muslims walk wherever they please, and should anyone even look at them in the wrong way, the whole world is in an uproar. Discrimination Is Wrong, but at the same time we cannot give up our own freedom for the sake of those who declare loudly, every day, that they will rule the world.

In countries where people have fought and died for freedom to live, speak and worship in their own way, this privilege is being taken away. Women with no religious affiliation are being told to cover themselves from head to toe or risk being raped. Anyone who is identified as homosexual or lesbian is in grave danger. Halal foods are being forced upon all of us in grocery stores, restaurants and schools. Alcohol, pork, music, and everything associated with our societies are being banned. I

In the move to separate church and state, the ten commandments, the bible, and in some cases the flag and national anthem are being banned, and yet, special prayer rooms and washrooms are being installed for Muslims and time off to pray is demanded at the risk of a law suit! Why should a Muslim woman have the right to wear a full face veil, while a Jew in a kippah is brutally attacked, and a why is a Christian woman wearing a small gold cross is considered offensive? The list is endless~Does anyone care?

Think about it~many western countries now have "No Go Zones"...Why? The US Embassy in Oslo just told citizens not to go out alone at night...Why? The majority of violent crimes, rapes, etc. in the UK, Sweden and Europe are committed by Muslims...Why? The media is afraid to say that perpetrators are Muslims...Why? Vile cartoons and hatred can be spewed against every group religious or not, except Islam...Why?

These are questions that must be answered now. Like Newkolln, the 80-90% youth population  is very soon going to be the majority adult voting population...Then What?

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