Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Allen West and Newt Gingrich~Priceless...

Sitting on the other side of the pond, we sometimes arrive at interesting views on what is going on in America as the election fever takes hold.

It  is all too easy to be an armchair quarterback, but it is very, very tempting!

I am one of those who firmly believes the world needs a strong America to hold the balance between freedom and...well, bad things. 

While the world is reaching for a politically correct, all inclusive multi-cultural society, with no borders, there are forces gathering whose goal is to drag us back to the dark ages with all their primitive, oppressive, non-compromising ways. The current president has done immeasurable damage to everything that makes the USA great, while at the same time encouraging those who would destroy freedom and liberty around the world.

On the other hand, since he first came on the scene, I have always liked Alan West~I have Never like BHO, and am still gobsmacked that any thinking person could ever take him seriously. I am admitting my bias up front.
That being said, I have yet to hear anyone running for this next election, speak straight out like these two men. I have even been flipping through clips to see if they are consistent, and it seems like they are. Do they have flaws? I am sure of it, but look at the competition! Seriously!

I have no idea who will end up running against obummer, but it sure would be interesting to see Gingrich and West as the challengers. The debates would at least be worth watching!

And as the poster above says, Watching Gingrich and West debate Obummer and Biden??? Priceless!!

* A Big Thank You to Bare Naked Islam for the Great Posters...

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