Tuesday, 3 May 2011

The Holocaust~Remembering

Today as the sirens screamed all of Israel stood still. Holocaust Remembrance Day is felt here more than many places because Israel, the only Jewish homeland and the home of so many survivors, is under attack. Like in the days of the Nazis, we feel the rising hatred amid constant calls for our elimination. I read the articles from Europe and North America, see news clips and sit back in amazement. The same propaganda of "Jew Hatred" used by Hitler is being recycled by the "Palestinian Cause". Indeed one of the most popular books translated to Arabic is "Mein Kampf".  Has the world learned nothing from the past? Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes?

How can it be that countries who so brutally oppress their own citizens  can sit on a UN Human Rights Council? How is it that countries who have sworn, (and have written in their constitutions) their goal is to eliminate Israel (Genocide), yet they can sit on the UN Security Council? How can it be that while people are dying by the thousands under brutal regimes all over the Middle East the UN sees fit to issue more constant sanctions against Israel--more than any other country--Israel, the only country that eliminated its refugee camps and gave the Arabs full citizenship. Israel, the only country in the Middle East that protects the rights of women, gays, the disabled and disenfranchised? Israel, who sends out field hospitals and staff to every disaster--even to countries that hate us. How is it that the head of the Boycott and Divestment group is earning his Masters Degree in Tel Aviv University (in Israel)? Why do Prisoners in Israeli jails get fat while being fed special diets, are free to worship and gather, get married, have family visits, give interviews to news agencies that campaign against Israel and earn Masters Degrees?

Today we remember the Holocaust, but as the survivors age and their numbers diminish their stories and memories fade--and the voices that scream "their was no Holocaust" grow stronger. Hatred and lies are taking over, fueled by the lust for black gold--oil.

Those members of the EU, UN and Quartet--why is it that so many of them earn millions of  dollars from the countries that call for the demise of Israel? How can anyone be impartial when one side is paying them in excess of twenty million dollars per year? Why is it that "Arab Dollars" buy libraries, and build wings on Universities campuses in the west then "Anti-Israel" protests take over the campuses. Why is it that when an incontrovertible truth exposes a great lie it is not broadcast at least as loud and long as the lie? Why is it that the media has stopped doing "Honest Reporting"? Why do those who try to tell the real truth get blacklisted, threatened and forced into obscurity? Why?

What has happened to the freedoms that the founders of the free world fought and died for?  In  the lands of hope, our ancestors worked hard for what they had--can we say the same of people in our time when there are almost more on the welfare rolls then there are paying into the fund? What has happened to our freedom of speech? Why is it that the most insidious, evil cartoons and pictures can be drawn and posted freely about Jews, yet a simple caricature of Mohammed warrants a beheading?

As the siren falls silent for another year, and we move about our daily tasks, let us not silence the survivors. Let us listen to their stories. Let us record them and tell them again and again and examine the reasons for the atrocities and look for the danger signs--already gaining momentum. Let us remember that while Arab refugee camps have grown to untold numbers  (receiving more money from UN Agencies than any other country)  that a million Jewish refugees were forced out of Arab countries with only the shirt on their backs--yet the world and the UN remain silent. The Jews of the Middle East also suffered a holocaust--but the world is silent.

Let us not forget! Let us remember the words Never Again and give them life!

1 comment:

Israel, Jerusalem, Judaism, Zionism, Middle East, Aliyah, Conversion, and everything else that pops up