Tuesday 3 May 2011

Islamic Exploitation of Children

I call it exploitation. While it is true that other religions make a big business of promoting child "prophets" and "preachers", this takes us to an entirely different arena.

Around 0:56 this six year old girl preaches the following (as she sits on a stage wrapped up like a bag of garbage):

 - In Greece they believed that women were the children of the devil
 - In India they were called the guardians of hell
 - Same as in France, where they thought that women were like snakes sent by the devil
 - In Australia women were treated like animals, killed and then eaten
 - It was Islam which then came and liberated the women

OK, I could go with her statements about India--but come on! Australia? France? Greece? This child is repeating how Islam treats its women--the fact that she is perma-sealed in a black sack  at the tender age of six years should be your first clue. Sadly, she and all who listen to her believe this bunk.

This child has no idea what childhood is and is doomed to spend her life encased in a black shroud. She risks vitamin deficiency as she will never bare her skin to the sun. She will have no rights, no free will of her own and will most likely be given to some rich old fart  ten times her age as a child-bride when she hits her ninth birthday. 

When is the world going to wake up! This is not a game. This is what this insidious, medieval doctrine is trying for force on us all. We need to stop this evil from permeating the free world before it is too late!

* Hat Tip to Bare Naked Islam Blog
 * Video is in German with English Sub-Titles

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