Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Remembering Shalhevet Pass

Today, Wednesday, 06 April 2011 (02 Nissan, 5771) is the yartzeit of Shalhevet Pass. At the age of ten months, she was shot in the head by a cowardly terrorist on 02 Nissan, 5761. Today Shalhevet would be a happy ten year old, discovering all the wonders of life, yet, because of the murderous arab mindset she is only a memory.

There is an article in Arutz 7 and an interview (2nd clip below) with her father, Yitzchak Pass, who was also injured in the attack. The interview is in Hebrew and contains scenes from Hevron and the terrible day of the murder. A summary of the interview is in the Arutz 7 article.

The first clip is a tribute made after tiny Shalhevet was murdered. According to the report one of the sniper's bullets penetrated the baby's head, passing through her skull, and hit her father Yitzchak, who had been pushing the stroller. He was seriously wounded minutes later by two bullets. Shalhevet was sitting in a baby stroller. The terrorists deliberately targeted her--she was shot first. Think about much more difficult is it to shoot a baby lying in a stroller through the head when there are two adults standing there?

Listening to the people speaking of Hevron and seeing how events have unfolded these past ten years is an eye-opener. The tiny community in Hevron is struggling for survival to this very day. They carry on because they see the vital need for Jews to live in, and nurture the land of Israel.  They know the importance of preserving our Holy sites, our Heritage. One young man states: When we say Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov it is not just some place in the world--it is right here... 

Sadly, near the end of the tribute clip, one of the men speaks of the need to have Jews living in the Abu Sneinah hills overlooking the Avraham Avinu neighborhood--where the two cowardly Palestinians shot from. Today, Mahboud Abbas with funds from the EU, UN and other anti-Israel groups are moving hundreds of Arab families to Hevron areas--the majority of whom are terrorists and their families.

FACT: The "Palestinians" say they want "peace" and "their own state", while they gleefully slaughter Jewish babies and call for Israel to be wiped of the earth. 

FACT: We bury our dead, mourn and go back to building the land and look for ways to make the world a better place--and they call us "apartheid" and "perpetrators of genocide".

Why do otherwise intelligent, educated people "hate" us so much? Why do they refuse to listen to facts? How can some (who claim to be Jews) look at the dead bodies of tiny babies, then march with our enemies, calling us dogs? Can anyone answer this--Anyone?

Tribute to Shalhevet Pass

Interview with Yitzchak Pass

1 comment:

David Wilder said...

you can read the interview in english at:
David Wilder

Israel, Jerusalem, Judaism, Zionism, Middle East, Aliyah, Conversion, and everything else that pops up