Sunday 10 April 2011

On Anti-Semitism~From a Woman of Valour

Many of you may be familiar with the late Oriana Fallaci, (1929-2006) a successful journalist, interviewer and author. A former partisan in WW II, she always stood up for what she believed in and spoke against what was wrong. She wrote three books critical of Islamic extremists and Islam in general, and in both writing and interviews warned that Europe was too tolerant of Muslims.

In a Wall Street Journal interview in 2005, she said that Europe was no longer Europe but "Eurabia".  I recall an interview where she was shown pictures of herself interviewing various political figures. Suddenly she looked and said "Him! He is clinically stupid". The "him" was Mohamar Ghaddafi.

In another interview with  Ayatollah Khomeini she addressed him as a "tyrant". Here is part of the interview:
Fallaci: I still have to ask you a lot of things. About the "chador", for example, which I was obliged to wear to come and interview you, and which you impose on Iranian women. [...] I am not only referring to the dress but to what it represents, I mean the apartheid Iranian women have been forced into after the revolution. They cannot study at the university with men, they cannot work with men, they cannot swim in the sea or in a swimming-pool with men. They have to do everything separately, wearing their "chador." By the way, how can you swim wearing a "chador"?

Ayatollah Khomeini: None of this concerns you, our customs do not concern you. If you don't like the islamic dress you are not obliged to wear it, since it is for young women and respectable ladies.

Fallaci: This is very kind of you, Imam, since you tell me that, I'm going to immediately rid myself of this stupid medieval rag. There !

In this two part statement she speaks her mind, and her words encompass what the mainstream media is to cowardly and deceitful to say. Love her or hate her, she never backed down from what was right--even after her death her words of truth are still heard...
Part 1 of 2 (with English Sub-titles)

Part 2 of 2 (with English Sub-titles)

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Israel, Jerusalem, Judaism, Zionism, Middle East, Aliyah, Conversion, and everything else that pops up