Sunday, 27 February 2011

A Petition to the King of Jordan

I followed a link to this petition A Democratic Jordan is Palestine. The name at the top is that of Prof. Aryeh Eldad, MD. I happen to have a great deal of respect for this man and urge you all to read and sign the petition.

The Government of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu are under  pressure to accept and implement "the  two states solution"  which means a creation of  a Palestinian State in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

It was the late Prime Minister Rabin who wrote: "A Palestinian State can be created only on the ruins of the State of Israel". We are concerned that the only political plan to deal with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict--is the plan that endangers the very existence of Israel.

We call upon the Kingdom of Jordan to declare itself the democratic nation state of the Palestinian people. 80% of Jordan's population are disenfranchised Palestinians and this declaration would be a decisive contribution to finally ending the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Here is the petition--do follow the link HERE to sign it.

To His Majesty
The King of Jordan
King Abdullah the Second
The Government and Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
 Presented this Date, the 25th of May 2011
The 65th Independence Day of the Kingdom of Jordan

As the cries for democracy reach us from Tunis, Egypt, and all around the Arab world, we call upon the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to declare itself the democratic nation state of the Palestinian people.

80% of the population of Jordan are disenfranchised Palestinians. This declarative step would correct that injustice and provide the foundation for a just, comprehensive and lasting peace between the Jewish and Arab peoples.

The late Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin wrote: "A Palestinian State can be created only on the ruins of the State of Israel".

That needn’t be the case. That shouldn’t be the case.

Let Jordan be democratic and free, and let the Palestinian people accept upon themselves the full mantle and responsibility of democratic statehood in Jordan--without the destruction or diminishment of the state of Israel and without the physical transfer of any population, neither Jew nor Arab.

We the undersigned, citizens of the world, representatives of hundreds of thousands around the world, ask the Government of Jordan and King Abdullah the Second, to proclaim the Hashemite Kingdom the democratic nation state of the Palestinians, and with this symbolic and declarative step, make a decisive contribution to Middle East and world peace.

We remind you of the brave words of your father:
“I wish democracy and peace to be my legacy to my people and the shield of generations to come”...King Hussein I of Jordan

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