One thing that I cannot come to terms with, is the twisted world view~including Jews~as to who Rabbi Meir Kahane was. He is painted with numerous terrible labels. Why? Because he loved his fellow Jews? Because he loved the land of Israel? Because he was willing to put himself on the line (in the front row) to defend his beliefs? Or maybe, because people knew deep inside that he was right after all.
A couple of years ago, I attended a yartzeit dinner and heard his wife, Libby Kahane (among others) speak of this great man. She had just released the English copy of her book, Rabbi Meir Kahane~His LIfe and Thought (Volume One: 1932~1975). Naturally I stood in line to have her autographed my copy!

Our government to their everlasting shame, banned his party from the Knesset. I believe they were afraid, because he would surely have won the next elections. To this day they refuse to acknowledge him and his party, Kach, is still banned.
Rabbi Meir Kahane, who loved Israel and the Jewish people and gave his life for his belief, is banned while today, there sits traitorous, Hamas supporting, Arab Knesset members who call for the destruction of the very country that pays their high salary and expenses. As long as we have a Knesset full of corrupt, self serving politicians who allow treason for the sake of political correctness, Israel will suffer. It does not matter how many emotional speeches Netanyahu makes, it is his actions that show what he is~and it is not a pretty picture.
I plan to post more on this, but to start, please listen to Rabbi Meir Kahane describe what Zionism is~would that we had a few good men like him in the Knesset today...
it's a terrible thing that we've got these israel-hating arabs in the knesset but because of these some knesset-members you can't blame all the arabs in the land.
kahane was generalizing. and to generalize our complex world ist dangerous.
you always have to think about how the people will understand your statements. in my opinion kahane didn't think about the consequences of what he was saying.
Contrary to what you "think" Rabbi Kahane thought very carefully about everything that he said. He did not vilify all the Arabs in Israel, rather, he pointed out a real and present danger. One needs to read his articles and books to fully understand what a great man he was. Besides which, He Was Right and everything he said all those many years ago is happening now!...but there will always be those who prefer NOT to see the facts on the ground...
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