Monday, 8 April 2019

Update to Hidden, Ill-Gotten Payout to Omar Kadr

Last Month on 12 March 2019, I posted (Click HERE)  an article about the discovery of part of the hidden Ten Million Dollars that the Trudeau government paid out to terrorist Omar Kadr. 

There was still approximately seven million unaccounted for, and Sheila Gunn Reid of Rebel Media, was determined to find out where it went.

Now, in the report below she tells of a link to the hidden funds. More than that, she uncovered proof that Justin Trudeau and his government collaborated with the lawyers of Omar Kadr to conceal the money from the families of Kadr's victims.

It is bad enough that the Government of Canada pulled off such a stunt with tax-payer money, but worse than that it demonstrates Trudeau's willingness to cater to a terrorist while Canadian soldiers who were wounded when sent overseas by the same government are told that they are "asking for too much"! 

My Personal Opinion?  Justin Trudeau should be made to Pay the Ten Million Dollars out of His Own Pocket and the government should insure the wounded Canadian Soldiers get the medical treatment they need and deserve!!

Please listen to Sheila's report and think about who Canada's Prime Minister is loyal to. Shame on all who voted him into office!
Proof: Trudeau Structured Khadr Payout to Keep it From the Victims

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