Thursday, 5 July 2012

Itamar Marcus on the Pal. Authority's Deceptions

Itamar Marcus is the founder and director of a non-governmental, media monitoring organization called PMW (Palestinian Media Watch). For many years this soft-spoken man has calmly, gently been speaking to people around the world. The message he presents is for Jews and Non-Jews alike~which is why there are two clips below. They are similar, but the second clip does have new material. Nonetheless, the message remains the same, because Mr. Marcus and his organization are devoted to presenting facts.

These talks provide a true insight into how the media molds the thought process of "palestinian (ie) Arab" children and society. They follow the ideals of h!t!er who said:

It is so very important that we all hear and digest what is being said in Arabic, and compare it to what is relayed to the English speaking world! The methods used by the "pa" can be traced to the controlling methods used by the nazis prior to the beginning of the Shoah, and is just as dangerous, if not more so.

PMW Bulletin~19 June 2012

People are now "believing it". The decades of Saudi and Middle East oil dollars being funneled into Western Universities, Colleges, Libraries and other institutions is beginning to bear fruit. History as it happened is slowly being changed to the "New Islamic" version. We have a generation coming up who have no concept of the high cost of their freedom. These young people who march while carrying flags of Jihad and calling for more gas chambers~and sadly, there are all too many Jews among them~have no idea of the hate, repression and horrors they are supporting.

Do your homework! Investigate for yourself what is being said below. If you are old enough to remember the "real" past, you have a duty to share it with this generation~or we will forfeit freedom and descend into the dark ages! This is real~this is now...and remember, Israel is only one step in the minds of these people. They want Islam and Sharia for the entire world! 

Speech at Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

Itamar Marcus Speaks at Jerusalem Assembly

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Israel, Jerusalem, Judaism, Zionism, Middle East, Aliyah, Conversion, and everything else that pops up