Thursday, 16 February 2012

Anatomy of a Smear: 'The Third Jihad' Fights Back

A short time ago I posted the video "The Third Jihad". I remember the first time I saw it. The film was not complete, but they wanted an audience opinion. As we sat on the floor, watching, it struck me that although they needed better editing (always the critic), someone had finally got it right! 

The The Third Jihad has been around the internet for some time now, and like anything that puts "Truth" forward, it is being lambasted and vilified by none other than those it warns us against.

Last month (January 2012) The New York Times ran a front page article that was inaccurate, and of course, completely against the film. The defenders of the Muslim Brotherhood and Jihad have been protesting and making a great fuss about the film being shown to New York police officers. They are calling for NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly to resign, and of course, more "sensitivity". One must ask why these hateful people have never been subjected to "sensitivity  training". Someone needs to explain to them that freedom of speech is for all people~Not Just Muslims!

Please, do watch to the end and listen very carefully. The people who make these films are not screaming at you to "take their word for it", rather, they are urging you to search the facts. Do your own research. Use common sense. To point out, and identify the operations of a radical cult who declares openly that their goal is world domination is not a "phobia"~it is a fact that needs to be taken very seriously~Before it is too late...

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