Friday 18 November 2011

SSgt Reckless~A Real War Hero

OK, I have been in a real slump and writing has just been...hard. But it is all for good and I shall begin again. I missed many important days and items, but I have gained some new insights and ideas.

Because Shabbos comes in early I will leave you with this clip. Wait--a clip about a horse?? Absolutely! 

Listen carefully to the stories below and then look closely at the size of this little filly, named S.Sgt. Reckless.

Not only did she perform her duty, she went above and beyond. In one battle alone she trudged up and down a hill with artillery rounds falling all around her--making an astounding fifty-one trips--carrying ammunition up and wounded soldiers down. She was wounded twice and still kept going. Oh, and did I mention~she made the trips on her own! She not only inspired the marines she worked with, she earned her place among them.

How many of us could (or would) do the same! Many claim that animals have no soul, but I am of the opinion that have something "soul like", and like this brave little filly they boost morale and spirits and yes, even serve as an example. I like to think that Hashem has provided a beautiful green pasture where SSgt Reckless will never know the sounds of war...Shabbat Shalom.

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