Friday 15 July 2011

A Pub for Religious Jews ?

For those of you who are not familiar with it, "Emunah's Jerusalem College of Arts and Technology" was founded in 1971 as a joint project of Emunah Women of America and Emunah Israel and is known for its pioneering and award-winning work in educating religious young women in Torah and the Arts. The high success rate of its graduates has brought recognition and respect throughout Israel.

To this end, student Adi Koren has created a "pub for the religious sector", as her final project for the year. You can read the whole story at Arutz 7. In case you were wondering, the picture to the left is a kippah~with clip!

I think it is a great project! While not a "real pub" it reflects the thought, research and imagination that went into the project in addition to an artistic gift. Kol a Kavod Adi!

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