Friday 11 March 2011

The Forgotten Refugees~1 Million Expelled

There seems to be a world impression that all Jews are from eastern Europe--Not So! If somebody wants to understand what is going on in the Middle East they have to understand the Jewish refugees from Arab countries and learn about the mass exodus of Jews from the Middle East and North Africa in the 20th century.

This film is not a "Hollywood Blockbuster" rather, it documents the history, culture, and forced exodus of Middle Eastern and North African Jewish communities in the second half of the 20th century. This is an extensive testimony of refugees from Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Morocco and Yemen~the joy and suffering~that nearly one million individuals have carried with them for so long. These are the personal stories and dramatic archival footage of rescue missions, historic images of exodus and resettlement, and analysis by contemporary scholars to tell the story of how and why the Jewish population in the Middle East and North Africa declined from one million in 1945 to barely several thousand today.

Whether you hate Israel and the Jews or love us, it is important for you to watch this film. Watch and listen closely. Think about where the truth lies as the haters scream blood-libels to this very day.

The Forgotten Refugees

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Israel, Jerusalem, Judaism, Zionism, Middle East, Aliyah, Conversion, and everything else that pops up