Thursday, 16 September 2021

"Vanata Tukaf" Prayer for Yom Kippur

Chief Cantor of the IDF~Lt. Col. Shai Abramson~"And Gave Validity"  

 The cantor's "Vanata Tukaf" prayer in the Great Synagogue in Allenby, with IDF soldiers from the various units, was produced especially for the "High Holidays".

It revolves around the Yom Kippur War and the war hero Brigadier General (Res.) Avigdor Kahalani who was a battalion commander in an armored brigade that fought in battles of the "Valley of Weeping" and was awarded the Medal of Heroism.

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Wishing for Snow in Nof Zion Jerusalem...

We rarely have the joy of seeing snow that stays in Jerusalem. The last real snow was in 2015 and it was glorious~for most of us.

Those of you living in cooler climates would have a real laugh if you were here. 

Just the thought of a few flakes of snow and the country is ready to shut down. People rush to stores for supplies, shops announce closing (those that are even open) and the news coverage is almost as if we are in the middle of a disaster. 

My friend lives on the other side of the valley to the left of the picture above. She had an entirely different well as a lot more wind! You can view her video HERE.

I was able to catch a few flakes on my phone before it stopped. If we get lucky overnight I may wake up to a white blanket covering our area.

First Snowflakes in Nof Zion, Jerusalem

Israel, Jerusalem, Judaism, Zionism, Middle East, Aliyah, Conversion, and everything else that pops up