I have posted items about Dr. Wafa Sultan in the past (see links below). This amazing woman was born into an Alawite Muslim family, in Baniyas, Syria. She is a medical doctor who trained in psychiatry at Aleppo University. (Wikipedia)
After 9/11, she became known for her essays and participation in the middle-east political debates.
There are many things that I, personally, can say about Islam and the lack of desire to integrate, or even acknowledge the rights of any but themselves. I make that statement as one who lives in the middle-east, surrounded by muslims...the majority of which are extremists.
Regardless of my own personal experiences and opinions, I feel that the best voice to educate the world at large is that of people like Dr. Wafa Sultan~a woman born into Muslim family, educated in Syria who knows Islam, and who speaks fluent Arabic.
On 21 August 2016, in her first public appearance in five years, Dr. Wafa Sultan delivers a stinging presentation on the facts of Islam. Please do listen...
Dr. Wafa Sultan~Can Islam CoExist With Western Civilization?
http://frumlife.blogspot.co.il/2012/06/wafa-sultan-tells-it-like-it-is-must.html http://frumlife.blogspot.co.il/2013/04/this-should-be-read-every-day.html