Saturday, 31 March 2012
So, Has Anyone Been "Thighing" Lately? (Only Perverts...)
The old saying "east is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet" is so true when one considers Islam.
Everyone is free to worship whatever god or gods they desire. It is only when that worship tramples on the rights and freedom of others, and more importantly, when it becomes a perversion that turns into an assault on babies and children.
Please watch closely and learn. Bahraini women's rights activist, Ghada Jamshir, speaks about the disgusting ways that Arab men abuse children~in this day and age! At one point the interviewer tries to stop her saying "lets not talk about this", but she is a woman of courage and keeps on. Since this was filmed in 2005 Ghada has been pressured in attempts to silence her. She does have a Blog in Arabic (For English just scroll down).
This, my friends, is why we need to prevent sharia and Islam from progressing in free countries. if you have a new baby, think about her as you watch this...there are really no words...
Full Version the Above Clip Was Taken From...
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Against All Odds: In Search Of A Miracle
For thousands of years people have claimed that the mere existence of the Jewish People is a Miracle. As always the argument is between those who believe there is a "higher power" and those who will not allow themselves to believe in anything.
In this film, journalist Michael Greenspan travels to Israel in search of modern day "miracles". The stories he examines are based on facts as he speaks with those who were there.
I doubt that watching this film will change any opinions, but for those among us who call Israel "home", no explanations are necessary. We know why we are here.
Note: Only the opening scene is in Hebrew with English sub-titles
Friday, 23 March 2012
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Monday, 19 March 2012
Yeshiva Flash Mob in Downtown Jerusalem
Just before Purim, a group of high school yeshiva boys staged a "fun Flashmob" in one of Jerusalem's central gathering points, Zion Square (Kikar Zion) at the top of Ben Yehuda Street.
Makor Chaim Yeshiva, also known as the Steinsaltz Yeshiva, located in Gush Etzion south of Jerusalem.
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, who heads the yeshiva, has transformed the learning of the Talmud by translating the entire Gemarah, written primarily in Aramaic, into Hebrew, with explanations and diagrams of terms.
These young people may study all day, but there is always time for fun...enjoy!
Friday, 16 March 2012
Hassan Nasrallah~Cheeky Devil or Braying Jackass?
I just read a post on YNet about Hezbollah Chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah. Once again he has crawled out of his cave~this time to applaud the terrorists of Gaza, while using the opportunity to blame Israel for the repeated rocket attacks.
This is someone who interprets Israelis entering bomb shelters when terrorists fire rockets as a victory. He can't seem to see that the reason we have so few fatalities is because Israel builds those shelters to protect the lives of her citizens.
Compare that to the citizens of Gaza who not only have no place to seek shelter, but are "used as shelter" by terrorists. When the terrorists are eliminated there are two lines taken~the first being that they were innocent "children" (which applies to anyone under forty) the second is the inference that they were brave fighters who died because as Cheeky Hassan spins it, the "members of the factions were not in hiding".
It is almost comical coming from one who is afraid to show his own face in public!
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Jerusalem Marathon 2012~Maps and Information
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Course Map (pdf) |
The Jerusalem Marathon takes place on Friday, 16 March 2012. There is a comprehensive site where you can get full details HERE, including start times, various course lengths and registration.
A full sized Course Map can be down loaded in PDF format HERE.
A full sized Course Map can be down loaded in PDF format HERE.
There is a clip at the bottom of this post that will take you on a visual drive through the course. I have summarized some of the main points along the route.
Jerusalem is a city packed with history. If you are interested in the historical information on the sites along the course you can follow this LINK~just click on each of the headers there and it will open up with facts.
There is a very good interactive course map that combines the different tracks, along with heights graph, toilet spots, gels and isotonic drinks, food and points of interest at this LINK.
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Israeli Knesset |
At the entrance to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the runners will turn left and circle the Givat Ram Campus returning to Ruppin Street via the Israel Museum.
From the Israel Museum, the runners continue in the direction on Netanel Lorch Street and climb in the direction of Yitzhak Rabin Boulevard.
The runners will pass the Supreme Court Building toward Bezalel Street. On 22 July 1948, the organization that heads the judicial authority was established by then-Minister of Justice Pinchas Rosen, as the highest legal institution of the State of Israel.
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Mamilla Mall Entrance |
Continuing to the end of Yitzhak Karib Street, runners clime the approach to Jaffa Gate, one of the eight gates of the Old City. After entering Jaffa Gate, they will turn right onto Armenia Orthodox Street and continue to the exit at Zion Gate.
Zion Gate is another of the Old City gates. It is also called David’s Gate, the Jewish Quarter Gate or the Jews’ Gate, and serves as the entrance to the Jewish Quarter. The runners will leave Zion Gate and run along Maaleh Hashalom to Sultan’s Pool.
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Sultans Pool |
The Sultan’s Pool is a Jerusalem’s water storage reservoir. The runners will cross Sultan’s Pool and go up Hativat Jerusalem Street to the intersection with Hebron Road, past the Israeli Cinemateque and Menachem Begin Heritage Center.
The Israeli Cinemateque is a cinemateque and film archive. The result of George Ostrovsky's dream, it officially opened in 1981.
The Menachem Begin Heritage Center, dedicated to Israels sixth prime minister. The runners will continue toward the Khan Theater on David Remez Street.
The Jerusalem Khan Theater is housed in a 19th century building from the Ottoman Era, built on the ruins of a Crusader Era inn. At the end David Remez Street, the runners reach King David Street and pass by the Liberty Bell Garden. They will continue to the Yemin Moshe intersection, turn left onto Jabotinsky Street, and climb to the end of the street where it joins President Street.
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President's Residence |
The Jerusalem Theater is located in the heart of the Talbiyeh neighborhood. The runners pass the Jerusalem Theater they will continue toward Dubnov Street, to its end, where they turn right to Gretz Street and descend to Emek Refaim.
Emek Refaim is a geographical area in southern Jerusalem which slopes down toward the Nahal Refaim river, one of the tributaries of Nahal Soreq. From the Oranim intersection, the runners turn to Pierre Koenig Street as far as the intersection with Yehuda Street. They continue up Yehuda Street to its end at Hebron Road, which they follow to the Armon Hanatziv Daniel Yanovsky Promenade.
The Armon Hanatziv Promenade is actually the name of three promenades located in southeastern Jerusalem: the Gabriel Sherover Promenade, the Daniel Haas Promenade, and the Richard Goldman Promenade. Runners wil make a U-turn at the end of the promenade and return to Yanovsky Street until Hebron Road, and from there they turn left, following the street, past the Pillbox toward Mar Elias Monastery. They pass the monastery to the Gilo intersection, where they make another U-turn and return up Hebron Road to the Oranim intersection. They pass the intersection to Elazar Moda’i Street, which they take to Kovshai Katamon Street and continue to the end of the street and turn left to Palmach Street.
The runners will follow Palmach Street to Fichman Street, turn right and continue directly to Tchernichovsky Street to the Emek Hamatzlava (Valley of the Cross) intersection. They will pass through the intersection up Haim Hazaz Boulevard to Ben Zvi Boulevard. At the intersection with Bezalel Street, the runners turn right and climb the street to King George Street. They run along King George Street to Jaffa Road where they will turn right and continue to Safra Square and the Jerusalem Municipality.
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Safra Square |
In the 1980s, the various offices of the Jerusalem Municipality were consolidated into a single site at Safra Square, near the historic municipal building. Runners will pass the Jerusalem Municipality to Hatzanhanim Street (Paratroopers Street), turn right, and continue up the street to the intersection with Hayal Hahandasa Street (Engineering Corps Street) opposite Damascus Gate, then continue along the street to Haim Bar Lev Street as far as Ammunition Hill and the Israeli Police National Headquarters.
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Entrance Ammunition Hill |
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Paris Square |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem was Israel's first university, founded in 1925. At Bar Lev Boulevard, the runners turn left and return to Hatzanhanim Street, past the Jerusalem Municipality and continue on King Solomon Street.
From King Solomon Street runners follow Agron Street, which leads to Paris Square.
Runners will then cross the square to Gaza Street, which they will follow to Emek Hamatzlava. There, they make a left turn to go through the Ruppin Street underpass to Sacher Park and the Finish Line.
The video below will take you through the entire route (starting around 0:36), and gives a good view of the many sites this year's marathon will pass. Good luck to everyone who is running and I hope you find time to enjoy the beauty of Jerusalem!
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Purim in Jerusalem~Do Hidden Miracles Still Exist?
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Scroll of Megillat Esther |
Tonight is erev Shushan Purim in Jerusalem. In the ancient walled city of Shushan, the battle between the Jews and their enemies raged on for an additional day~and as a result the first Purim celebration was held on the 15th of Adar. The walls of the Old City of Jerusalem are still standing~and for us, the celebrations begin today.

On Purim day we will gather to have a celebratory meal with lots of wine (or other spirits) to insure that everyone is in a festive mood. Many feel they must "drink till they drop" and you certainly see a lot of that! It is a fun time when friends and family forget the worries of the day. There are many community meals as well. Anyone who is alone can always rely on Chabad. Among the many deeds they perform around the world, perhaps one of the most welcome is during holidays, where those who have no body to turn to can gather in a warm community setting.

It is a special mitzvah to give charity to the needy (Matanot LaEvyonim). Even though we do this all year around, we make an extra effort to find (at least two) very needy people and give tzedaka to them. May I suggest that you also greet them with a smile, wish them a Purim Someyach, and if you can, offer to bring them a coffee or a sandwich. Giving is more than throwing a few coins at people. Try showing a bit of warmth~you will make their day, and yours as well...
There is a deeper meaning in the Purim story. We know that Hashem is not mentioned, because he "chose" to remain "hidden". A "Hidden Miracle"~Are there still such things today? Take time to watch the clip below. Do you see any "hidden miracles"?
...Think about it...Purim Someyach!
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Could it be True? Obama's Birth Certificate NOT Authentic
How does a person get elected to the highest office in the USA? What kind of checks and balances are in place to insure that only eligible, qualified citizens of the United States of America can be elected?
Most people would assume these questions and more, are dealt with long before election day. In the case of the current "occupant" of the white house, this may not be true.
I admit that I have never cared for Barak Hussein Obama, and now that he has been in office for three years I am convinced that my first impressions were correct. Never, would I have imagined that a US President would do so much damage to his own country! Ruining the financial status for the first time ever, grovelling before despots and terrorists while giving the impression he is ashamed of his own country, disrespecting the heroes of the Armed Forces of America, alienating and throwing allies under the bus, refusing to buy ethical oil from a neighbour and ally, in favour of oil from the Middle East and Venezuela, embracing sharia culture while silencing free speech (and every faith except Islam), forbidding security people to "Name" those who would destroy America, and turning every challenge to his actions into a "racial" issue~in a country that has done more to insure equality than almost any other in the world~I could go on...
The news conference (2nd clip) is interesting. The "media" refuses to consider the facts presented, and immediately start accusing~watch the question session at the end of the conference. I am sure that we will soon see all of the investigators involved put under a microscope with their lives laid bare in front of the world~it will be ugly. How long before someone screams racist?
What people should be asking are basics. Why is it that there was never an original birth certificate in the first place? Why has the pResident spent millions of dollars sealing every bit of information on himself prior to his election? Why is there nobody that remembers him from schools or university? Not even a single friend or girl-friend? Not a teacher who "remembers" teaching the man who rose to become the first black American president?
Seriously, I have no idea if this is true or just another one of the "conspiracy type" stories~it is certainly possible to "alter" or even destroy old records. This story may well be "theory fever". BUT~If it is True~Someone's got a lot of 'splainin to do!
Seriously, I have no idea if this is true or just another one of the "conspiracy type" stories~it is certainly possible to "alter" or even destroy old records. This story may well be "theory fever". BUT~If it is True~Someone's got a lot of 'splainin to do!
Local News Report
Sheriff Joe Arpaio~Cold Case Results~Full Press Conference
Condensed Video Showing "Why" BHO's Document is Fake
The Last Day~A Nuclear Attack on Israel
This short film is intended to show what a nuclear attack on Israel might look like. It was posted at CiF Watch, where they state:
This is extremely painful to watch, but, given the Iranian regime’s explicit calls for Israel’s destruction, and the country’s spiritual leaders’ recent religious justification for an attack which would kill millions of Jews, it is not at all hysterical, or beyond the pale, to contemplate such a horrific scenario...
Is there anyone who still thinks Israel has "peace partners"~that obummer (or any politician, for that matter) can "sweet talk" Iran into dropping their dream of nuking Israel?
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Monday, 5 March 2012
Lubavitcher Rebbe~Esther, Model for Jewish Women
Who has not heard of the Lubavitcher Rebbe? There is no way to truly describe him, or the impact he had and still has on the Jewish people, and the world at large. Quoted from his site:
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of righteous memory, the seventh leader in the Chabad-Lubavitch dynasty, is considered to have been the most phenomenal Jewish personality of modern times.
The Rebbe spoke with everyone, religious, not so religious and even the non-religious. Common people, business men, politicians and presidents queued to see him, to ask for advice, to receive his blessing. He had a unique ability to "see into the soul" of people. I have listened to friends telling amazing stories of their encounters, and yes, even miracles that they have received via this great man.
On 18 March 1973 (Purim 5733) the Rebbe gave this insight on Esther as a model for all Jewish women. A beautiful lesson on how the saving of the Jewish home and family depends on the self-sacrifice of the Jewish woman.
Raise Your Glass for Purim!
Here is something to get you in the mood for Purim from my favorite acapella group the Maccabeats. I like the song so much I had to post it again this year...Enjoy!
The Global March to Jerusalem~Trying to Destroy Israel
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Global March to Jerusalem |
The logo to the left is from the blog CiF Watch. They have opened a special project page called Exposing the Truth About the Global March to Jerusalem which is slated to take place on 30 March 2012.
There is an astonishing amount of information and detail about the mindset and goals of those behind this insidious plan. Included are lists of organizations and individuals worldwide (and there are many) who are supporting this all out attack on the democratic state of Israel. Do go through the site, watch the videos and read the "chatter". While they claim they are "peaceful" their goal has nothing to do with "Palestinian rights" and everything to do with over running and bringing down Israel. No surprise there are groups of self-hating Jews among them.
Will Germany Return to Ethnic Cleansing?
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Marching With the Black Flag of Jihad |
This time, however, it is the "Islamic society" in Germany calling for the Jews to be wiped out. Look closely at the flags they march with during the protest. In addition to the PA flags, they are carrying the Black Flag of Jihad. If you have been watching over the years you will note that this flag shows up where militants are making a show~including as the backdrop for the beheading of innocent civilians.
Forget what the main media has been shoving through your TV set~if you care to investigate you would know that Israel does not "murder babies" and there is "no apartheid"~unless you want to consider Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas statement that No Jews Will Ever Step Foot on "PA Land"~strangely, world leaders have remained silent on this...
The clip below is from a protest held during the war with Gaza. The crowd chants Death to Israel, Child-killers Israel, Kill the Jews and Jews Jews Cowardly Pigs, among other niceties.
Claims that 1,400 Palestinians were killed, almost all civilians (mainly women an children) is the opposite of the truth. The majority of the casualties were actually adult male jihadists. Note also that the PA seems to consider any male under thirty-five to be a child (go figure).
When Israel pulled ten thousand of its citizens from Gush Katif in 2005, Hamas immediately took control and began rocket and mortar attacks. From 2005 to 2008 they fired 5,700 rockets and 4,000 mortar shells at civilian targets in Israel. In 2008 alone, Hamas fired over 2,000 rockets and 1,600 mortar shells.
The entire city of Sderot, known as the Bomb Shelter Capitol of the World, is peppered with bomb shelters. Every bus stop, playground, park, school, and home has a shelter or is a shelter. The citizens have fifteen seconds to take cover when the Code Red is sounded. Before Cast Lead, people were literally living in bomb shelters. What country in the world would put up with years of attacks on its citizens and not respond?
Throughout the incursion, the IDF sent thousands of text messages, made phone calls and air-dropped leaflets (all in Arabic) warning civilians to leave targeted areas. It was the terrorists who gathered families (including babies) to those exact areas in the hopes they would be blown up. Nothing says PR like dead bodies~right?
The clip below is from a protest held during the war with Gaza. The crowd chants Death to Israel, Child-killers Israel, Kill the Jews and Jews Jews Cowardly Pigs, among other niceties.
Claims that 1,400 Palestinians were killed, almost all civilians (mainly women an children) is the opposite of the truth. The majority of the casualties were actually adult male jihadists. Note also that the PA seems to consider any male under thirty-five to be a child (go figure).
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Sderot~City of Bomb Shelters |
The entire city of Sderot, known as the Bomb Shelter Capitol of the World, is peppered with bomb shelters. Every bus stop, playground, park, school, and home has a shelter or is a shelter. The citizens have fifteen seconds to take cover when the Code Red is sounded. Before Cast Lead, people were literally living in bomb shelters. What country in the world would put up with years of attacks on its citizens and not respond?
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Warning Leaflets Dropped Over Gaza by IDF |
If you are interested in truth, read the investigative reports by Elder of Ziyon HERE, and HERE, or watch the video HERE. There is also a very detailed report HERE * Note~Scroll to the bottom of the page to: "See the detailed results of our research-click here". You will be directed to the full report, which includes screenshots from the websites where the information was found. This page has four sections along the top that you can click through to: [1] Introduction, [2] The "Civilian" Militants, [3] The "Civilian" Militant Police and [4] The Militants. It is very interesting reading.
But the real truth is, nobody wants to hear the facts. It is so much easier to "blame the Jooos", and seemingly it is the "politically correct" view as well
Back to the clip below~What makes the march depicted particularly vile is the actions of the German Police. Around 0:58 you can see an Israeli flag hanging from a balcony--which the Polizei quickly tear down to the approving cheers of the crowd.
Yes, this film is old (around 2009), but it must be watched. Does anyone seriously believe that things have improved~anyplace in the world since then??
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel
This is an election year for the USA. Iran has declared it is close to achieving their goal of developing nuclear weapons, the Arab world is in an uproar with extremist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood taking over and bringing Sharia law into force.
Israel is subject of constant Boycotts and in the past years the hatred has grown. We are being pressured to give up more land~but the "PA" is not even asked to hold up their end of the original agreements from Oslo. Now, Israel is being blamed for all the world troubles~Why?
My friends, please watch this film. Do your own research! Read the charters of the Arab countries surrounding Israel~they all call for our destruction! Read about the OIC, an organization of Arab countries that is now the largest voting block (56 countries plus the PA) at the UN~They were established to insure the elimination of Israel! Read the original documents of Balfour, San Remo and read how time and again the Arab world has refused to honor every agreement, while asking for more and more concessions.
Why are the Muslim extremists suddenly so bold? Why are they so sure that they will at last achieve their goal of eliminating Israel from the face of the earth? Could it be, that the current pResident has given them this bravado by weakening America to the point where the enemy sees victory? He has supported sharia and terror, he has alienated allies while clawing back freedom in the USA, bankrupting the country, weakening the US Military (once the greatest fighting force in the world), while Islam proclaims, that after Israel falls America will be next. How can this be happening? The world is surely inside out.
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