Monday, 31 December 2012

Museum of the History of Polish Jews

 The film below documents the Museum's development from its groundbreaking in 2007 and includes footage of volunteers building the replica of the 17th-century Gwoździec Synagogue, a keystone of the Core Exhibition. The film is a succinct and engaging portrait of an enormous work in progress, including breathtaking helicam views of the building exterior.

The Museum of the History of Polish Jews, is built on the site of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. This museum will honor and celebrate 1,000 years of Jewish life and culture in Poland.

In the film, Dr Elie Wiesel explains why the Museum, opening in 2013, is so important:
The Museum is a geographical place of memory, and you cannot be in the place of the Ghetto Uprising and not feel something very deep. There were 1,000 years of Jewish history in Poland; 1,000 years of activity, of extraordinary aspirations and endeavors and dreams and metamorphoses; 1,000 years, which must be studied and communicated and shared.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Take a Walk Down Memory Lane...

Scrooge (1951) With Alastair Sim~Nothing Compares to the Original...

* Thanks and Merry Christmas to Blazing Cat Fur !

Monday, 24 December 2012

Seasons Greetings to All Who Celebrate...

I bumped this because it is a "feel good" post. Music knows no boundaries, neither political nor religious. Regardless of your affiliations (or not) the sound of this magnificent Grand Court Organ together with the voices of the chorus is truly amazing.

On Saturday, October 30th, 2010 the Opera Company of Philadelphia Chorus and over 650 Choristers met at Macy's Grand Court, much to the surprise of shoppers. It was presented as a "Random Act of Culture".

The music is played on the magnificent Wanamaker Grand Court Organ, the largest operational pipe organ in the world with an amazing 28,543 pipes

Now a National Historic Landmark it is valued in excess of $57 million! Take a a few minutes to enjoy--if you watch to the end you will see the reactions of the shoppers--Brilliant!

Political Correctness Has Destroyed Common Sense!

Listen Up People~This Guy Really Tells It Like It Is (The Truth Hurts!)

Best Wishes to All...

This is Too Cute~The Best Ad for Adopting Puppies From Your Local Shelter !

* Season's Greetings &  Thanks to Blazing Cat Fur Blog

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Can Israel Make Peace With Hamas?

Watch Closely and See the True Hamas~Terrorists in Suits...

* This is What They Say in Arabic~And the World Wants Israel to Make Peace???

Deli Man~This is Yummy...

The 4th Pillar of Judaism is...Food!

Deli Man Trailer

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library

The Dead Sea Scrolls are a constant source of interest. About a year ago I posted about Israel putting the Dead Sea Scrolls online. At the time there were five major scrolls available on the site Digital Dead Sea Scrolls.

The development of new technology means the secrets of the scrolls are gradually being unraveled. Now with the use of Spectral Imaging, one is actually able to "see inside" the parchments. With the support of the Leon Levy Foundation and the Arcadia Fund, the Israel Antiquities Authority and Google have developed the most advanced imaging and web technologies to make available hundreds of Dead Sea Scrolls images as well as specially developed supporting resources online. The images and information are in a user-friendly platform for the public, students and scholars.

You can learn about the scrolls, their history and discovery and view the fragile parchments on line. The Scrolls available include Genesis, the Ten Commandments, Psalms, PaleoLeviticus, Tefillin, the Minor Prophets, Community Rule, Enoch, the Apocryphon of Daniel, the Book of War, and Legal Papyrus.

I encourage everyone to visit the site, examine the fragments~zoom in for details and gaze at the oldest known biblical documents in the world...simply amazing! 

* Original Story from Arutz 7

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Pillar of Defense~The Raw Facts

Regardless of your opinions or feelings about the situation in the Middle East, you should arm yourself with truth and facts. 

The video below provides one of the best~and easiest to understand~summaries I have seen. The report was prepared by Nevet Basker. Her website Broader View is dedicated to going "beyond the headlines" regarding a number of topics on the Middle East from Refugees to Settlements with information gathered from a wide array of resources. 

I have not read the entire site, but so far it appears to shy away from sensationalism to provide a sensible view of what is actually taking place. This is from the website...
The Broader View Resource Center is designed to be used by students, educators, activists, researchers, and anybody else who wants to go beyond the media headlines and sound bites. It provides background and context on key aspects of the conflict, history, and events in the news.  A lot of important information and relevant context are lost in the noise; this is an attempt to complete the picture, to zoom out on the issues, without overwhelming the reader or casual student with details.  It attempts to be factual and objective, relying on (and, whenever possible, providing) primary source materials for the most accurate information.

* Thanks to Tundra Tabloids blog for posting the video

This Video is A "Must See" for Everyone Who Values Truth!

Moses vs Santa Claus (No Comment)

I Really Am Speechless on This One~But I Vote For Moses (Language Warning)

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Let's be Friends~If They Can Do It~Why Can't We?

Now that the last day of Chanukah is almost over and the oil has burned out for another year, is there a message for us? A good friend told me that we should sit and look at the burning lamps and gather strength from the light for the days ahead. Indeed, when sitting in a room lit only by the Chanukiah one feels peace, and "at that moment" everything is right with the world.

Reality lurks, however, and in the next year, I want to remember the lights and what they represent. Regardless of your beliefs or the depth (or lack of) faith, we all need to know that a greater good exists in our world. 

As I was leaving for work today I confess, the "lights" were not on my mind at all. A group of small children were playing in front of my door. I heard a small voice say "Shalom"...without pause and barely turning, I hastily replied "Shalom". Then this wee voice said "שלום מתוקה" ~which roughly means "Hello Sweet (sweetheart, etc)". I turned to see a very small girl with a smile from ear to ear~a big, contagious smile, which I returned with a happy wave. My attitude and my day, took a sharp turn~for the better. I encourage you, Smile at someone today; Bite your tongue rather than hurting another; when you give tzdaka stop (if only for a second), smile and say "have a nice day"~this is a real, feeling person in front of you~when you acknowledge this, you give them a bit of light. Somehow, we need to put aside the "I" and consider the "we". It will surely not save he world, but I promise, you will the light will lift your spirits! Try it~you will be pleasantly surprised!

The clip below is from a movie. The site I where I found it  gives the following synopsis:
Zeus the pooch and Roxanne the dolphin are able to communicate with one another. Working together they change the lives of those around them. PS: The dog is a  Portuguese Podengo. Around the 15th century, the breed was used aboard ships to catch vermin. They traveled everywhere with the Portuguese~they even sailed with the ships of Christopher Columbus.

Like children, animals are able to spread light and happiness naturally, without thinking about it. Sit back, relax, listen to the music, spend a few minutes in a "wonderful world" where you can feel good~we can learn how to bring happiness just like children and animals and remember; Keep the Light Within You~All Year Long....

A Dolphin and A Dog~If They Can Be Friends~Why Can't We?

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Matisyahu Sings For Hurricane Sandy Victims...

I have posted about Matisyahu in the past (See links below the video if you are interested). This is a new song just in time for Chanukah. (Yes, I know~there is more than one way to spell it!)

More than the new song, All of the Proceeds from "Happy Hanukkah" will be donated to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy. This is a great opportunity to do something good and pick up a great song at the same time. Remember, ALL of the proceeds from your music purchase will go to the victims~and they truly need help! For more information (and to donate) go to:

While you are there you can also purchase the T-shirt (above), listen to more of Matisyahu's music, and find out where he is performing~just scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on ENTERMATISYAHUWORLD.COM for videos, pictures and concert information...
UPDATED! Here is the Official Video...Enjoy!

For More Matisyahu Follow These Links...

~ This link has several Chanukkah songs including Matisyahu

Essential Apps When Under Fire

The Most Popular Apps in Israel...

Bloody Truth - אמת עקובה מדם - الحقيقة الدامية

Yedida Freilich Lives in Judea & Samaria~Lyrics & Production by her Father

Monday, 3 December 2012

Hamas Music Video~We Kidnap Soldiers & Kill Jews

In America young people have MTV and similar programs to watch and learn about the latest in music and trends.

Hamas is not to be outdone~and have released their own music videos to insure the youth stays on the "right path".

The video below was shown on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas),  on 21 November 2012.

If you are interested in what is being said in the Arab (Muslim) world~in Arabic~do go to PMW (Palestinian Media Watch)~Educate Yourself!

* Thanks to PMW (Palestinian Media Watch) for the video and translation. 

"We are the [Al-Qassam] Brigades
                                            Brigades~we kidnap soldiers
                                            Brigades~we kill Jews
                                            Brigades~we watch the borders
                                            Brigades~we are not afraid of death
                                            Brigades~gear up your weapon
Gear up, gear up
Destroy the usurper's dens and set fire to the oppressors
Through training and preparations, you roar, oh lion of Qassam
It's in your hands to get [our] country back and then we will raise the banner of Islam."

Hebrew text is displayed on screen~addressing Israelis:
"Your body parts are scattered everywhere."
"The cemeteries await you."

For the UN, EU and anyone else (including leftist, self-hating Jews) who think building a few apartments are preventing peace, you need to watch this (for as long as it takes to sink in), and then start looking at the daily, murderous hatred spewed by these barbarians, not only in the media, but in the schools and literature. Pay attention to what they are saying and teaching their babies from birth~remember, Jews are not the only ones they plan to destroy.

There will never be peace, because the goal is to slaughter every Jew. It was dictated by their murderous, pedophile "prophet" in his book of venom, and it is in their charters and constitutions to this day. 

Take a sheet of paper and make two columns. In one, list the contributions from the Jewish world, in the other the Arab (Muslim) world (leave out their b*11sh!t lies). Jews spend their lives trying to make the world a better place, and have filled the world with everything from medicine to technology. The Muslim world is busy raping women, shooting children for wanting to learn, beheading anyone they don't like, suppressing every freedom known to man and doing their best to drag us back to the dark ages.

How stupid do you have to be not to see it?? Or, is it just plain old Jew-Hatred?

Video by Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades~Translation Below From PMW

Are You Eligible to Vote in Israel? This is For You...

For An Honest Man~My Vote Goes to MK Aryeh Eldad...

Monday, 19 November 2012

The Prayer for the State of Israel~[התפילה לשלום המדינה]

Once again our tiny country is being attacked physically and in the media. More than ever we Pray to Hashem to Bless our young men and women of the IDF, and deliver us from our enemies.

Before the founding of the state of Israel, Jews said a prayer for the nation in which they lived (usually after the haftorah reading~this varies). In 1948 the Chief Rabbinate of Israel published the Prayer for the State of Israel, which has since been used by most (but not all) communities.

The video (see below) of this beautiful prayer was made (in June 2011), by a member of the Israel Defense Forces. Accompanied by child soloist Micha Schachat, the S.F.Y. Philharmonic Orchestra & Choir conducted by Dr. Mordechai Sobol, IDF Chief Cantor, Lt. Col. Shai Abramson recorded  The Prayer for the State of Israel at Eshel Studios in Tel Aviv.

Watching this video makes me teary-eyed. I love my country Israel, and the members of the Israel Defense Forces who face daily danger, even as they are consistently vilified in the world press. Our IDF is so much more than tough, brave fighters, ready to defend us with their lives. They are vibrant, talented people with a love for Eretz Yisroel, and a soul from Hashem. I pray daily for the safety of the IDF and for peace on Israel.

Here is an English translation of the Chief Rabbinate's traditional (1948) version:
Our Father in heaven, Protector and Redeemer of Israel, bless the State of Israel, the dawn of our deliverance. Shield it beneath the wings of Your love; spread over it Your canopy of peace; send Your light and Your truth to its leaders, officers, and counselors, and direct them with Your good counsel.

Strengthen the defenders of our Holy Land; grant them, our God, salvation and crown them with victory. Establish peace in the land, and everlasting joy for its inhabitants. Remember our brethren, the whole house of Israel, in all the lands of their dispersion. Speedily bring them to Zion, Your city, to Jerusalem Your dwelling-place, as it is written in the Torah of Your servant Moses:

“Even if you are dispersed in the uttermost parts of the world, from there the Lord your God will gather and fetch you. The Lord your God will bring you into the land which your ancestors possessed, and you shall possess it; and God will make you more prosperous and more numerous than your ancestors.”

Unite our hearts to love and revere Your name, and to observe all the precepts of Your Torah. Speedily send us Your righteous Messiah of the House of David, to redeem those waiting for Your salvation. Shine forth in Your glorious majesty over all the inhabitants of Your world. Let everything that breathes proclaim: “The Lord God of Israel is King; His majesty rules over all”...Amen...Selah.

* Hat Tip to Shiloh Musings Blog

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Hamas' Claims: True or False?

In Case You Are Interested in Truth...

* Thanks to Blazing Cat Fur for posting this...

Part 4~An Inside Look At Islam's Takeover of Europe

In this final (4th) segment on Islam's Takeover in Europe, Zvi Yehezkeli, an Arab affairs news correspondent for Israel´s Channel 10 TV, speaks with Jews living in cities across Europe.

To film this shocking 4-Part series on Islam's Takeover of Europe, Yehezkeli placed himself in very dangerous situations. It is clear that if those he spoke to knew he was a Jew, his very life would be at stake. More than that, since the documentary has aired, he is now known in the Muslim world for his ability to infiltrate.
A look into the Jewish communities reveals the majority live in fear~of being Jews. The hatred that is spewing from all corners of Europe and directed towards Jews is something that is almost unbelievable~Yet, Here It Is~on film, in their own words. 

The situation in Europe has reached the point where one must wonder if it can ever be turned around. There are those who say that it is too late...The Muslim community have abused freedom and democracy while implementing fear and aggression to impose anti-semitism every place they go.

The fact that the rhetoric they are spouting consists of lies means nothing. Those who hate do not want to hear the truth. Even the police hesitate to defend Jews. Not since Nazi Germany has such evil risen up.

Links to the first three segments are below this video. I urge everyone to watch this final of four segments "carefully". This is what happens when "good people do nothing".

The Right of Self-Defense...

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Do You Remember Where Your Freedom Comes From?

November 11th is  "Remembrance Day"

I decided to bump an old post~first, when I saw the above picture, and second, even though I am not American, I get emotional every time I see such unswerving devotion to the fallen. This is a true symbol of respect

*** The above picture is from Arlington Cemetery at the Tomb of the UnknownsThese young men stand guard in all types of weather~including Hurricane Sandy~as they have done, continuously, 24/7 since 1930!

Sadly, each year, fewer people identify with the "Day of Remembrance"; attend the ceremonies to honour the fallen or acknowledge the diminishing group of "old soldiers" who come every year to stand (or sit) and pay tribute. In fact, there is a growing number of lowlifes who deliberately desecrate the memory of those who deserve only the highest respect. I refuse to give print space, but suffice it to say, they flood into "free" countries, then take advantage of Freedom and Democracy to desecrate the memories of the brave while demanding that we submit to their primitive, barbaric ways. We Will NEVER Submit!

My original post was prompted by an email circulating about Jeopardy~a program on American TV~where contestants win money by answering skill questions. One night, the final question was:  "How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the Tomb of the Unknowns". All three contestants missed it! I admit, I also did not know the answer, so I did some searching and found the following...Do read the questions and answers. Don't Ever Let Anyone Desecrate these Memories!
1] How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the tomb of the Unknowns and why?
The Steps alludes to the twenty-one gun salute which is the highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary.

2] How long does he hesitate after his about face to begin his return walk and why?
He hesitates for twenty-one seconds for the same reason as answer number one.

3] Why are his gloves wet?
His gloves are moistened to prevent his losing his grip on the rifle.

4] Does he carry his rifle on the same shoulder all the time and, if not, why not?
He carries the rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb. After his march across the path, he executes an about face and moves the rifle to the outside shoulder. 

5] How often are the guards changed?
Guards are changed every thirty minutes, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.

6] What are the physical traits of the guard limited to?
* For a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb, height must be between 5' 10" and 6' 2" and his waist size cannot exceed 30".  

* They must commit two years of life to guard the tomb, live in a barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol on or off duty for the rest of their lives.

* They cannot swear in public for the rest of their lives and cannot disgrace the uniform or the tomb in any way.  

* After two years, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn on their lapel signifying they served as guard of the tomb. There are only 400 presently worn. 

* The guard must obey these rules for life~or give up the wreath pin.  

* The shoes have specially made "thick soles" to keep heat and cold from their feet.

* There are metal heel plates that extend to the top of the shoe in order to make the loud click as they come to a halt.

* There are no wrinkles, folds or lint on the uniform. Guards dress for duty in front of a full-length mirror.

* The first six months of duty a guard cannot talk to anyone nor watch TV. All off duty time is spent studying the 175 notable people laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. A guard must memorize who they are and where they are interred. Among the notables are: President Taft, Joe Lewis {the boxer}, Medal of Honor winner Audie L. Murphy (yes, the Actor) who was the most decorated soldier of WWII.

* Every guard spends five hours a day getting his uniforms ready for guard duty. 
In  2003 as Hurricane Isabelle was  approaching Washington, DC, the US Senate/House took two days off with anticipation of the storm. On the ABC evening news, it was reported that because of  the dangers from the  hurricane, the military  members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb  of the Unknowns were given permission  to suspend the assignment. They respectfully declined the offer, "No way, Sir!" Soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that  guarding the Tomb was not just an assignment, it was the highest honor that can be afforded  to a service person. In this manner, The  Tomb of the Unknowns has been patrolled continuously, 24/7, since 1930! We from democratic countries should be very proud of all the young men and women who serve to preserve our rights and freedoms no matter where they are. If you can't make it to Arlington, then do watch the clip below. It is truly amazing! 

Eternal Rest Grant Them O Lord and Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them...Amen 

Remembrance Day~NEVER Forget!!

Take Time To Thank Those Who Sacrificed to Give Us Freedom!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Part 3~An Inside Look At Islam's Takeover of Europe

What happens when an Arabic-speaking Israeli~whose appearance and flawless Arabic accent are sufficient to allow him to mingle freely with the Muslims~pays a visit to several "Muslim No-Go Zones" in Sweden, France, Belgium, Holland and London?

Two Israelis decided to do just that...

In Part three of this four part series we see the chilling truth. Europe is losing the war on freedom. Slowly, slowly, Islam is creeping into the free world. Slowly, slowly, Islam is demanding that the majority conform to their minority. What they cannot achieve by smiles and taqiyya they will achieve by threats, terror and murder. Sadly, a generation of politically correct appeasers is leading us into the dark ages!

This is a series that needs to be seen by everyone! To deny that there is a growing problem is to surrender. Muslims are willing to die to implement Islam and Sharia worldwide~the west is not even willing to protest....

* Links to Parts 1 and 2 are Below the Video...

Part 3~An Israeli Infiltrates Europe's Muslim Communities

Part 1

Part 2

Foul and Disgusting...

There are innumerable campaigns going on around America right now, but this one is so foul it deserves a mention. The story first came to my attention at Weasel Zippers. Do read it in full and follow the LINK HERE to the full article. 

There are many disturbing angles to this story. One is that such a person as JZ Knignt is actually able to meet with Obama and other politicians (seemingly all Democrats). Also is the fact that she has clearly been operating for quite some time~and nobody questions this? Even more so, is the fact that she is garnering an audience of young adults who will be shaping the future of America, as well as very young (underage) children (as seen in the video), who appear to be well on the way to being brainwashed! Wikipedia provides a bit of information, on Ramtha School of Enlightenment, including this little ditty:

Lessons in the School's compounds sometimes include wine-drinking, tobacco pipe smoking and dancing on rock'n roll music. Allegedly, it is being taught that the nitric oxyde in red wine (not the alcohol) and also found in pipe tobacco (not the nicotine) can help to facilitate changes in the brain as a part of the process in which to achieve these means.
The comments at the second link claim that JFK Jr. spoke at Ramtha School of Enlightenment on more than one occasion. I am not going to discuss JFK JR. as he can't defend himself, but the video below makes it very clear that Sandra Romero did speak there, and she is running for re-election as Thurston County Commissioner, District 2. While she may be all "grass roots and apple pie", her association with this kind of cult should set alarm bells ringing!

That any public official in the United States of America could partner with such people is mind boggling. While the general consensus seems to be that the woman is a con, or a "snake-oil salesman", there is ample evidence to show that there is a very unhealthy atmosphere around her. I strongly urge anyone living in the Washington area, investigate these claims. and make your voice heard~Stop politicians from accepting money and meeting with this woman!

What Kind of Person Associates With a Cult?

***WARNING*** The Language Used is Foul and Hate Filled...

Bump In The Road~A Mesage From Special Ops OPSEC

Visit OPSEC Team  or Help Send Out Their Message HERE

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Paul Weston vs Uninformed Liberal = Educational

This interview is very important and applies to every free country in the world. Whether you love or hate Paul Weston, you need to hear what he has to say.

The interviewer is openly aggressive, and true to form, whenever he is presented with facts, he changes the topic. He speaks in generalities, and uses BBC as a resource (listen to Mr. Weston's reply!)

Multiculturalism is all well and good if each culture respects the other. What the interviewer, and those who share his views do not see is that for Islam there is no mutual respect~there is only Islam.

What is mind-boggling is the refusal to listen to what Muslims are saying! Read their propaganda, follow their history. It is a lot to wade through, but unless people become educated they will see the destruction of freedom as we know it. 

Please Listen Carefully to Mr. Weston~Do Some Research~Open Your Mind...

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

A Great Speech from Allen West

I have always liked Allen West. He is a man who speaks straight, and stands by what he says. When he speaks, people listen. 

What is most impressive is his patriotism, and love for his country. When I listen to him, I am reminded of the days when America was respected around the world, for their patriotism, and pride in their country~when nobody would dare burn an American flag on an American street!. It was a time of real hope~not the phoney line being touted these days.

I know there are the nay-sayers and negative press~as there is about most politicians these days. Running for office opens up all the doors for nasty and truth is not necessary. I have no doubt that Allen West has made mistakes in his life~he is human! He can take criticism, but be prepared, this man is no wall-flower. He reminds me of what a real man used to be...long ago! Personally, I think America needs more people like Allen West...

Pray for Those in the Path of Hurricane Sandy...

On the east coast of the USA, hurricane Sandy is still on the move leaving millions without power, mass floods, major fires and at least seventeen thirty-three dead.

I am not going to start listing details as there are much more qualified blogs and newscasts giving up to the minute details.

What I will do is ask everyone to take a minute to say a prayer for the safety of those who are in the path of the storm. Pray for those who have been battered and those who have not yet felt the force of this super storm. Pray the devastation will cease. For the families who have been separated, or those who may be trapped, let the rescue people find them. Pray for those who are at this moment risking their own lives as they work to hold back flood waters, put out fires, and rescue those who are trapped. It is now that the training and expertise of rescue services are vital. May they be protected while they do their work.

Finally, pray the aftermath will be handled with integrity, that the citizens with put differences aside and work to insure relief will reach all those in need quickly.  
God Bless America...

The Enigma~Something Everyone Should See...

The Enigma~A Brief History Lesson

Monday, 29 October 2012

Running on Empty~Short and Sweet...

British Free Speech~Listen Closely...

Obama Has Crossed A Line~Watch to The End...

Picture: Moral Matters
Earlier I posted some information regarding the terror attack in Benghazi HERE and then a program aired by Glenn Beck HERE. The attack resulted in the murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Stevens. 

As time passes the story becomes more and more disturbing. I found the video below on Vlad Tepes. Again, I reiterate, I am not a fan of Glen Beck, but he does give compelling evidence that the pResident is hiding something. The clip begins by confirming that Obama looked the American public in the eye and outright lied during the debate with Romney~fair enough, but what follows leaves one without words. I urge you to watch this clip to the end. It is dead certain that there is some kind of shenanigans going on, and the Obama administration is determined to keep it covered. Four Americans are dead. The man who keeps calling himself the "Commander in Chief" is responsible and should, at the very least be called to account for this tragedy...

A Declaration of War~From the Youth of France

It's about time someone in Europe started standing up for themselves~even now, it is almost too late in France !

The video below is in French with English Sub-Titles. 

For Convenience here is the Transcript...

From "The Generation of National Identity~A Declaration of War "
We are Generation Identitaire.
We are the generation who get killed for glancing at the wrong person, for refusing someone a cigarette, or having an "attitude" that annoys someone.
We are the generation of ethnic fracture, total failure of coexistence, and forced mixing of the races.
We are the generation doubly punished: Condemned to pay into a social system so generous with strangers it becomes unsustainable for our own people.
Our generation are the victims of the May '68'ers| who wanted to liberate themselves from tradition, from knowledge and authority in education.
But they only accomplished to liberate themselves from their responsibilities.
We reject your history books to re-gather our memories.
We no longer believe that "Khader" could ever be our brother, we have stopped believing in a "Global Village" and the "Family of Man".
We discovered that we have roots, ancestry and therefore a future.
Our heritage is our land, our blood, our identity. We are the heirs to our own future
We turned off the TV to march the streets.
We painted our slogans on the walls. Cried through loudspeakers for "youth in power" and flew our Lambda flags high.
The Lambda, painted on proud Spartans' shields, is our symbol.
Don't you understand what this means ? 
We will not back down, We will not give in.
We are sick and tired of your cowardice.
You are from the years of post-war prosperity, retirement benefits, S.O.S Racism and "diversity", sexual liberation and a bag of rice from Bernard Kouchner.
We are 25 percent unemployment, social debt, multicultural collapse and an explosion of anti-white racism.
We are broken families, and young French soldiers dying in Afghanistan.
You won't buy us with a condescending look, a state-paid job of misery and a pat on the shoulder.
We don't need your youth-policies. Youth IS our policy.
Don't think this is simply a manifesto. It is a declaration of war. 
You Are of Yesterday...We Are of Tomorrow...

Déclaration de guerre~Génération Identitaire

We are Generation

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Common Sense Says: Obama's a Muslim Ass Kisser...

The speaker, ET Williams has a blog called Whatever Happened to Common Sense, and he has written a Book with the Same Title. You can listen to his radio show on blog talk radio called Common Sense Nation and in addition to the many clips on his blog, he also has an abundance of videos on his YouTube Channel.

I have not had time to look at more than a smattering of his offerings because he is so prolific, but he appears to be right on the mark. This is not some "wing-nut" spouting rhetoric~his points are solid and he addresses almost every topic you can think of whether in the news or not.

Be Warned! Williams is the opposite of politically correct and says what is on his mind in the clearest possible language. If you are easily offended, I suggest you get some back-bone, read some of his blog posts, then watch a few of his videos. After that, sit back and do some serious thinking about what he says...

I find him refreshing! You do not have to agree with ET Williams, but you do have to appreciate his straight forward honesty!
* Hat Tip to Blazing Cat Fur

This Guy is Not Afraid to Say What Many People Think!

Actions Speak Louder Than Words~Listen Up My Fellow Jews!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Libya~Syria~Turkey~Ambassador Stevens~The Real Story

The Vicious Circle is Closing~Exactly "What" is Obama Trying to Do?

* Hat Tip to Winds of Jihad by Sheik YerMami

Beck is Not The Only One Aware of Behind-The-Scenes Plotting...

Part 2~An Inside Look At Islam's Takeover of Europe

A few days ago I posted Part 1 of a 4 Part Series by Zvi Yehezkeli and David Deryi.

The film makers follow an Arabic-speaking Israeli~whose appearance and flawless Arabic accent are sufficient to allow him to mingle freely with the Muslims~as he visits "Muslim No-Go Zones"  in Europe. What he discovers is disturbing to say the least.

Here is Part 2~and it is a must see! For all those who are still under the illusion that Islam is a "religion of peace", you need to watch these films carefully. 

Please Share With Everyone Who Cares About Freedom...

Nigel Farage: Total Subjugation to EU Control

The Only Politician With a Spine~Ya Gotta Love Nigel Farage!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Prager University: Capital Punishment

* Do Visit Prager University for More 5-Minute Courses...

Information on Prager University

He Said Allahu Akbar: And It's Only Work Place Violence?

Below is a short clip I found by accident. It is important that everyone sees this again and again until the enormity of it sinks in.

At 13:34 local time on the 5th of November 2009, Palestinian American, Major Nidal Malik Hasan walked onto Fort Hood military base. He entered the Soldier Readiness Processing Center (his workplace) where military personnel receive medical treatment both before and after being deployed.

Hasan Yelled Allahu Akbar and Opened Fire on the Unarmed Soldiers...

Hasan had prepared himself (as all Jihadists do), prior to committing a Terror Attack. He gave away his possessions, shaved his body hair and handed out copies of the Quran~along with his business cards containing a Maryland phone number and "Behavioral Heatlh [sic]~Mental Health~Life Skills~Nidal Hasan, MD, MPH~SoA (SWT)~Psychiatrist".

The acronym "SoA" is common (on jihadist websites) for "Soldier of Allah" or "Servant of Allah", and SWT is commonly used by Muslims to mean "subhanahu wa ta'ala" (Glory to God). * The cards did not show his military rank.

Thirteen people and an unborn child died in the slaughter, while thirty-two others were wounded~in an attack perpetrated by a "supposedly" fellow soldier~one of their own!

This could have and should have been prevented! There were more than enough warning signs, but in the interests of "political correctness" a future terrorist was not only "overlooked" but educated and promoted!  Even when he became more and more obvious in his radical ideas, nobody did a thing~because he was a Muslim and it would not be "Politically Correct".

*In fact, the words Muslim, Islam and Terror have been eliminated by this administration, and films have shown that Obama's minions choke if asked to even say the words out loud!

To add insult to injury, this barbaric act of terror ha been labelled as "Work Place Violence". I am gobsmacked! What in the world is going on in America! How can the American people stand by and let the Obama administration desecrate the memory of those who died~and were wounded while preparing to defend their country?

Before you call me a raving lunatic, please take time to watch the video. These are the words of those who were there~the ones who survived. How dare anyone tell them that a Muslim screaming Allahu Akbar as he shot at them in cold blood was "workplace violence", and not a terror attack! At the end of the film the following is suggested...

Contact the pResident, your Senator and Congressman...
The Fort Hood Victims and Their Families Deserve an Apology;
Purple Hearts for the Soldiers and Fair Compensation for All of Their Injuries. 

I Strongly Urge You to Share this video with as many people as possible...Unless Good Americans Make Their Voices Heard~The Politically Correct Obama Administration Will Lead America Back to the Dark Ages. 
Time to Call It What It Is~A Barbaric, Muslim Terror Attack

Made In Israel~Oh Yeah!

IATI~Israel Advanced Technology Industries

Is America Bewitched by Obama??

As November Elections Approach~Consider These Points...

Final Presidential Debate~Mitt Romney & Barack Obama

Now It Is Up To America...

Monday, 22 October 2012

Gene Simmons Dont Like Obama Either!

How Bad Is It When A Rocker Sounds Smarter Than The pResident?

Hitler's Secret Archives

A long-secret German archive, housing intricate details on 17.5 million victims of the Holocaust was uncovered in the German town of Bad Arolsen. The Bad Arolsen Holocaust Archive is a massive sixteen miles of shelving containing fifty million pages of documents! Kept "off-limits" to the public, the German government finally agreed to make the records available. Known as ITS (international Tracing Service) there is now a website at this LINK.

In 2007, CBS Newsman Scott Pelley traveled to Bad Arolsen with three Jewish Holocaust survivors and spoke with them as they viewed their own Holocaust records.

With the growing cult of Holocaust deniers in Iran and around the world, accompanied by the denial speeches in the UN, this film is proof of the evil that existed during the nazi years. Now, sixty-five years after the second World War in Europe ended, this film is a memorial to the memory of the millions of Jews, Russians, Christians and Catholic priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated while the world looked away!

For those like the little tyrant of Iran, the records~created by the perpetrators of the horrors~are proof positive that the Holocaust was very real. Do share this story with everyone you know, as often as possible...

The World Must Never Forget~Lest History Repeat Itself...

Death and Deceit in Bengazi...The Truth!

Israel, Jerusalem, Judaism, Zionism, Middle East, Aliyah, Conversion, and everything else that pops up