Sunday 23 September 2012

23 September 2012~World Wide Jewish Prayer for Peace

On Sunday, 23 September 2012 (07 Tishrei 5773) there will be a Simultaneous World Wide Jewish Prayer for Peace through the coming of Mashiach, as announced in our tradition.

This unique event in Jewish history has been initiated by motivated Jews with the help and blessings of rabbis from all affiliations around the world, Ashkenazim, Sephardim and Hasidim, with a strong desire that all Jews will be united at the same instant, observant or not, whatever beliefs, affiliation, age or nationality~to end all suffering and to welcome the revelation of Hashem's Name. The idea comes from the Chafetz Chaim...

If only thousands and millions of sincere Jews
would show G-d that they truly desire Mashiach,
He would surely come at that moment...

The time to recite the prayer is based on Israel Time~23 September @ 17:00. This LINK will take you to the video about the event, or you can watch it below. At the end of the video are the times for areas around the world.

Please Mark the Time in Your Area...
              Stop Wherever You Happen to Be...
                       Put Aside Something for Tzedaka...
And Recite This Short Prayer:

"Master of the World, We the children of Israel ask for Moshiach
 to redeem us now and with mercy from exile and all suffering
 to reveal your Name in the world and to bring peace...Amen"

Be Part of the World Jewish Community for a few Seconds! It Won't Hurt...So Join Us!

* To print a flyer, copy the prayer or a text message In Your Language Go To:

* The Flyer in English is Below the Video

Flyer for World Wide Jewish Prayer:

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