Saturday 3 December 2011


Next time time you reach for that creme, lotion or "beauty product", think about what actually happens during research and production. Be aware that many companies have test labs that subject innocent, animals, such as chimps, rabbits and dogs~especially Beagles~to cruel tests and a truly appalling existence.

According to the Beagle Freedom Project: 
Beagles are the most popular breed for lab use because of their friendly, docile, trusting, forgiving, people-pleasing personalities...they adapt well to living in a cage, and are inexpensive to feed. Research beagles are usually obtained directly from commercial breeders who specifically breed dogs to sell to scientific institutions.

These dogs (from birth) live in a tiny metal cage, never to know fresh air, rain or even run and roll in grass. Oh yes, if the lab closes, their usefulness is over, and the dogs are usually killed~unless someone like the freedom project steps in. In most countries, animal testing is legal as long as it is deemed "humane". Well, I don't give a horse's patoot what the labs claim~it is cruel and disgusting. What does this say about us as a society that we would breed helpless animals for the sole purpose of being subjected to this type of abuse~all in the name of vanity??? It gives a whole new perspective to the plastic people we ogle at in the magazines and TV...

Those who are thinking of buying a pet, give some thought to adopting animals that have had a bad start in life. Guarantee you they will give you more love and loyalty than you can imagine. If you need a calendar or just feel like doing something nice, visit the Beagle Freedom Project (and be sure to look at the pictures!)

I am a lover of "large" dogs, and there are those who dislike animals altogether, but I dare anyone to watch this video to the end and not have to reach for a tissue...

And Here are Forty More Just Rescued from Spain (Slow Loading...)

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