Thursday 11 November 2010

Notes of Interest

 With so many bloggers out there it is increasingly difficult to be "original". When I write about something it is because I have had an experience or I feel it is important for others to know. Sometimes I take the lead from another post--and I always include the links to allow you, the readers, to go to the original poster. Some things I just do not attempt to write about--other than to give a reference because I cannot do the topic justice.
One such topic is the Haredi world. While I have some experiences to relay, I am by no means expert. If you want to learn more about the Haredi society I urge you to rely on someone who is knowledgeable. In this case I direct you to Shearim (English) and if you are a German speaker go to  Hamantaschen (German). Also for German Speakers, I recommend Leben in Jerusalem (German). The author spends a great deal of time traveling to the various places in the blog and writes from personal experience--not just from reading a book or surfing the net. 
There are many other great blogs out there and from time to time I will post comments. Let me know if there are topics you are interested in reading about. In the meantime, have a Shabbat Shalom!

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Israel, Jerusalem, Judaism, Zionism, Middle East, Aliyah, Conversion, and everything else that pops up