Wednesday 5 June 2013

Tommy Robinson On the Woolwich Terrorist Attack...

The barbaric slaughter of the young drummer, Lee Rigby has stunned civilized people across the world. Reactions are varied, from deep sadness, to the muslims crying "islamophobia"~because this is "not typical of islam" (meanwhile, muslims are slaughtering everyone~including muslims~on a daily basis??) to the vile Anjem Choudary who declared that the innocent victim of terror, Lee Rigby, would burn in hell.

Everyone has an opinion, and of course the EDL (English Defence League) is no exception. I know what many think~EDL are thugs, radicals, etc. Maybe~Maybe Not...when I listened to the interview below, I did not see those things. What I did see, was a young man who is fiercely proud to be British, supports the armed forces and veterans, worries about the safety of women and children, and worries daily about threats of death for himself and his family. This is a simple man with no delusions of grandeur, and no political agenda~A young man who merely wants to be able to live his daily life and walk down the street without being attacked.

Tommy Robinson is refreshingly candid in this interview with Coelus Media about the Woolwich terrorist attack and the English Defence League's response. He openly speaks about what he thinks can be done to stop attacks like this happening in the future. * Please don't bother sending hate mail about Tommy or the EDL. I am not advocating~I am merely bringing this particular interview to your attention.

Do listen listen to the will be surprised! For myself, there is nothing that Tommy says in this clip that I would disagree with. With regards to safety for myself and my family I have no doubt that he would be the one I would want standing next to me. I certainly have far more respect for this young man than any politician, news hack, talking heads and toffs that "talk down their noses to the rest of us" on a daily basis. We could do with a lot more people like Tommy Robinson in the world~I'm just saying...

And Interview With Tommy Robinson...

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