Monday 13 August 2012

Everyday Ethics: Consumer Rights...And Wrongs

In the past I have posted videos by Dennis Prager, an American syndicated radio talk show host, syndicated columnist, author, and public speaker. He is rational and delivers his talks plainly and clearly. Some of my favorite clips are from "Prager University" ~and Yes, I did enroll...

Not all the courses are taught by Dennis Prager, although I personally favor his narratives. The site information states:

Prager University is an entirely new concept in education. Our courses, taught by some of the finest, most original thinkers in the world, are five minutes long, visually stimulating and rich in practical content. Each seeks to enhance the student's understanding and appreciation for the core ideas that support Western Civilization such as freedom, personal responsibility and capitalism.

The courses are available at no charge, but of course voluntary donations are appreciated. When you register, you are able to track the courses you have viewed and take quizzes to test your retention~and of course there is a summary that will let you know what you have seen, how many "credits" you have earned and your test results. It is a complete "no pressure" and entertaining way to broaden your horizons in a short time.
Their claim is "give us five minutes and we will give you a semester". A lofty claim, but in fact, the five minutes one spends are packed with facts and  definitely worth the time! If you are interested in the goals and principles if Prager University the second video below will tell you just that.

As the title of this post states, the first video below deals with ethics~specifically with those of us, the consumer. 

Does a consumer have any obligation when entering a store and occupying the clerk's time for a lengthy period~if they have no intentions of purchasing a product? Is that actually considered "stealing time"?  Watch and Learn...

Prager University~The Education You Should Have Gotten

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