Monday 25 June 2012

Iran vs. Israel~Why Does the World Procrastinate?

1 comment:

Carlos Perera said...

To answer Frunlife's question, I humbly submit that the world procrastinates because the "narrative" established by the Leftist opinion-molding elites in the media, academia, and government has changed dramatically since Israel's founding: Ari ben Canaan is dead.

Israel was viewed favorably by the Western Leftist intelligentsia when it was a small, struggling, _socialist_ state, which could be cast as the underdog or victim vis-à-vis the Arab colossus; it also helped that it was a beggar state, largely dependent on alms from American Jewry. Alas, present-day Israel has become the victim of its own success: Leftists just don't cotton to the new, entrepreneurial, economically successful Israel that doesn't need to beg from its betters in New York City or LA; so it has been recast as a ruthless colonial power, peopled by evil, racist honkeys who oppress the "native" brown masses of the region . . . sort of like a 21st century version of the Conquistadores vs the Meso-Americans.

Israel, Jerusalem, Judaism, Zionism, Middle East, Aliyah, Conversion, and everything else that pops up