Monday 5 March 2012

The Global March to Jerusalem~Trying to Destroy Israel

Global March to Jerusalem
The logo to the left is from the blog CiF Watch. They have opened a special project page called Exposing the Truth About the Global March to Jerusalem which is slated to take place on 30 March 2012.

There is an astonishing amount of information and detail about the mindset and goals of those behind this insidious plan. Included are lists of organizations and individuals worldwide (and there are many) who are supporting this all out attack on the democratic state of Israel. Do go through the site, watch the videos and read the "chatter". While they claim they are "peaceful" their goal has nothing to do with "Palestinian rights" and everything to do with over running and bringing down Israel. No surprise there are groups of self-hating Jews among them.

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Israel, Jerusalem, Judaism, Zionism, Middle East, Aliyah, Conversion, and everything else that pops up