Tuesday 27 December 2011

Christmas Greetings from the IDF

I had missed this one~but, better late than never as the saying goes. The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) has released this Christmas Greeting (yes, in Israel we do call it Christmas!).

I noticed that the Old City of Jerusalem once again had Christmas trees available (for free) and according to the Jerusalem Post there was a rush to get one~in this country people always push and grab if something is free...

While the main celebrations are concentrated in the city of  Bethlehem, many tourists also come to visit Jerusalem's Old City,  and other Holy sites during the holidays. I have a friend in Tel Aviv who tells me it is very crowded there, but of course, the weather is much warmer and many people like to walk at the beach...

Bethlehem is under the control of the PA, but the IDF does have checkpoints for security purposes. This time of year usually brings out those who are the opposite of peaceful.

* Hat Tip to Daphne Anson

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