Friday 11 March 2011

Israel Apartheid Week~Part I

I have decided to do a few posts about the world-wide Israel Apartheid Week. I have spent a great deal of time reading the manifestos of those who join the hate-fest (yes, it is a hate-fest). I went from surprise, shock, disbelief to realization. The realization that these people who are screaming the loudest have no idea what they are talking about. 

Yes, I could spend endless time pointing out the daily things in Israel that are not right--but I think there are more than enough critics out there. On the flip side, I wonder if those screeching for the destruction of Israel would be that critical of their own country? Those marching with the PA, Hamas, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey--why do they not criticize what is happening in those countries? Those countries along with all of our other muslim neighbors are almost completely Judenrein. Why does nobody protest that?

Instead, what I choose to address is outright lies that are being flaunted (and sadly) believed. What I choose to do is show why I love my country.

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Israel, Jerusalem, Judaism, Zionism, Middle East, Aliyah, Conversion, and everything else that pops up